Thursday, April 2, 2020

Desserts - Chocolate Eclair Dessert

For this delightful layered dessert, a pan is lined with graham crackers, and layered with a series of pudding, whipped topping, more graham crackers. To finish, chocolate frosting is smoothed over.

Reading Nook (San Francisco)

Reading Nook Contemporary Kids San Francisco

Desserts - Coffee And Donuts Ice Cream

Delectable homemade coffee ice cream has chunks of doughnuts.

Modern Desert Home (Orange County)

Bellingham Personals
Modern Desert Home Contemporary Hall Orange County

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Salad - Classic Tossed Salad

Having two different lettuces, Romaine and red leaf, is a nice touch in this hearty tossed salad. And there's a nice balance of soft and crunchy: tomatoes and mushrooms to sesame seeds and almonds. Colorful too.